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New Patients at Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health

If you’re visiting Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health on Bayly St for the first time, we’d like you to know exactly what to expect. We want to provide you with an experience where you can see that your health concerns and needs will be recorded and respected.

Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health has been described as warm and inviting, accessible and open. Our centre encourages connection and conversation, and patients feel welcome and supported. That’s our hope for you, too!

Your First Visit

Your first visit will take about an hour. As you enter the practice, you’ll be warmly greeted by one of our staff members who will invite you to sit down while you complete your intake forms. You can also conveniently complete your intake forms online before you visit.

You’ll then be given a brief tour of our office before meeting with one of our doctors in our new patient exam room.

Often other new patients have remarked that our assessments are very thorough, and will include:

  • A consultation, including a detailed health history
  • A chiropractic examination
  • A computerized posture assessment
  • X-rays, if necessary

Your Second Visit

Your second visit will take about 45 to 60 minutes. During this appointment, the doctor will review your examination results to help you understand the source of your problem. The doctor will then discuss customized treatment options to help you start feeling your best.

Your visit will conclude with your first gentle chiropractic adjustment.

Subsequent Visits

Most of our patients are aware that consistent chiropractic adjustments are a valuable investment in their current and future health and wellness potential. The human body experiences daily tension, including the effects of physical, mental and chemical stressors that challenge our body’s ability to adapt and to feel our best.

By “cleaning up your spine” on a regular basis, it helps everyone to experience a more fulfilling life. Of course, the choice is yours and we respect your decision as to what’s right for you.

Education is Key

The more you know about the fundamentals of good health, the larger role you can play in your own health optimization. Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health offers free community workshops. We also post educational videos and fun “challenges” on Facebook, as well as YouTube. We invite you to participate as you grow in knowledge and insight. View our simple and helpful exercises here.

We invite you to take advantage of our New Patient Specials! Click here for our special offers print or download your new patient gift certificate.

Book Your Appointment Online Now »

New Patients at Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health | (905) 420-7231